Posted On: Sunday, 01 May 2011 by Rajiv Popat

Hiring young and budding teams that can kick some serious ass has always been one of my life long passions; something I consider much more important than any process out there.

If you don't screen and pick people like the life of  your organization depends on it, you won't have an organization soon.

Jarka on the Project Management site of stack exchange has a question on "The most effective attractors and motivators for young highly skilled people".

My answer there pretty much condenses a lot of what I have talked about on this blog as far as hiring is concerned, in eight simple bullet points.

You can read the answer here.

If you are a young and budding entrepreneur or a budding manager these eight points should give you a head start at hiring and building teams that can kick some serious ass.

Here's wishing you good luck with attracting and motivating teams that kick some serious ass.

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