Posted On: Saturday, 10 April 2010 by Rajiv Popat

We have been working on getting one TEDxCalcutta 2010 video out every two weeks. This week we started with the very first talk of the event which was given by Gurbux Singh.

The talk is online and can be viewed from the videos section of the TEDxCalcutta website.

Join Gurbux Singh in this discourse as he takes you through the journey of his life and his experiences of winning the Olympics gold medal and then later an Olympics Bronze medal. 

The paths you take in life are often a combination of so many different things. When questions are asked hands have to be raised and decisions have to be taken. Impediments and problems exist but do not last long if you play your game and play it really well. Nothing replaces consistency and focus. Knowing every individual in your team and what moves them is hugely important. Forgive and Forget is true sportsmanship.

Gurbux Singh uses a friendly, casual and spontaneous discourse to give you his gems of wisdom acquired after years of sportsmanship which he ends by showing his Olympics gold medal and receives a standing ovation for it.

You can see the video here and leave your comments or ratings of the video on the Uploaded YouTube Version.

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